The purpose of this Charter is to set out the commitments of the participants invited to the SIT Africa Forum.
To be eligible for an invitation, participants must meet the following conditions:
- Being a CIO, CISO
- A large company or government department in a Maghreb or Central or Sub-Saharan African country
- Have cybersecurity projects
The guest declares that, prior to his/her registration request, he/she has obtained the agreement of the company to which he/she belongs, that he/she is authorised to represent the company at the Event and that he/she has the necessary powers to contract his/her participation. A certificate can be provided on request to justify his/her absence during the Event.
The guest assures that he/she is not undergoing a professional transition and will inform the organiser of any event that could justify a re-examination of his/her application to take part.
XCOM reserves the right to refuse acceptance if the guest's profile does not meet the above conditions. This decision cannot be contested.
Only one person may be invited per organisation.
In the event that the guest wishes to come with a member of staff, the cost of the 2nd member of staff's stay will be borne by the company.
Guests wishing to attend the Forum with their spouse and/or child: Meals and double room supplements will be at their expense, to be paid directly to the hotel. Wives and children may not attend the lunches and evening events organised as part of the Forum.
To validate their participation, guests must complete the registration form on the organiser's website.
Prior to validating any participation, the Guest expressly acknowledges having read this "Guest Charter" and accepting its conditions without reservation, by ticking the box "I have read and accept the general conditions of the Guest Charter".
Registration form and conditions of participation
You must have a cybersecurity project to take part in the forum.
The guest is hereby informed that the personal information communicated via the registration form will be processed by Xcom in order to manage his/her registration and access to the Event, and to ensure the smooth running of his/her stay and appointments. Certain information may be transmitted to XCOM's service providers for the sole purpose of managing, where applicable, the participant's transport and accommodation.
An invitation to the Forum implies that the guest will meet suppliers.
Once their registration has been validated, participants must log on to the BTB platform to manage their business appointments.
The organiser will automatically schedule a meeting between the guest and the partner responsible for their stay.
The Guest is obliged to choose at least 8 partners and to request appointments online via the platform.
The Guest accepts that his/her personal data (company name, surname, first name, job title, e-mail address, mobile telephone number, etc.) may be sent to the partners with whom he/she will be in contact via the platform.
The Guest authorises the Partners to use his/her data in order to continue the exchanges initiated and declares that he/she agrees to receive commercial proposals.
In the event of a guest providing false information (job title, company, project), the organiser reserves the right to cancel their participation.
If the guest fails to respond to the request for information that is missing or actions that have not been carried out, the guest's request to participate may also be cancelled.
The guest is required to comply with the safety measures imposed by the administrative or legal authorities, as well as any safety and health measures imposed by the organiser throughout the Event.
Any person who has received confirmation of participation from the organiser constitutes a firm and irrevocable undertaking to attend the Event.
You must notify us of any cancellation by telephone or email ( no later than 48 hours before your planned arrival date. If you cancel after this time, you will be charged the cancellation fee for your stay.
To encourage networking, conviviality and the spirit of sharing that is the hallmark of our event, we ask you to attend all the evenings, lunches and plenary sessions organised by XCOM.
During dinners, we ask you to sit at the table of the partner who has invited you.
Guests are obliged to honour the business meetings scheduled and validated via the BTB platform according to the choices made.
You will be given an access badge on arrival. This badge will give you access to the networking area, as well as to the lunches, cocktails and evening events. Only people wearing a badge issued by the organiser may access the Event.
This application has a number of features:
Badge reader
By presenting their badge in front of a partner's mobile terminal, the Guest accepts that their personal data (company name, surname, first name, job title, e-mail address, mobile phone, etc.) may be transmitted to the partner. Data from badge readers will also be processed by the Organiser for statistical and appointment analysis purposes.
The guest authorises the Partners to use his/her data in order to continue the exchanges that have begun and declares that he/she agrees to receive commercial proposals.
The guest agrees to receive notifications on their phone during the event. These notifications are messages sent by the organiser, other guests or partners.
Instant messaging
The guest agrees to receive instant messages from the organiser, other guests or partners.
The Guest expressly authorises the Organiser, free of charge:
- to produce, if it so wishes, photographs and/or films representing it, as the Guest, at the Event or at events organised in connection with the Event;
- to publicise the company to which it belongs as a guest company at the Event;
- to use these images freely in all media, particularly advertising (including the Internet), both in Morocco and abroad, for a period of five years from the date of validation of the application.
Any Guest who does not wish to be represented in photographs and/or films taken during the Event must give prior written notice to the Organiser before the Event opens.
Any guest who agrees to provide a testimonial about the event agrees to its use in the event report and on the event website.
The guest must keep the organiser informed of appointments made with post-event partners.
Should the Guest fail to honour one or more Participation Undertakings, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel his/her participation.
Validation of participation in the Event implies full acceptance of this charter.